Why the change in learning platform?
The new platform offers many services and options asked for by our users. Local administrators have much more control over enrolling learners and generating reports. Learners will find the course much easier to watch on any screen and they will have the ability to set the video playback speed and move more easily between sections.
What will be different in the curriculum?
The curriculum has been completely overhauled to update the course and its delivery. Unneeded information has been deleted and new information has been added. All the citations and examples have been updated. We have moved from primarily presenting the information via video to a combination of video and written material to keep learners interested.
Will I still have admin reporting access?
Yes! The new system allows for even more control as a faculty administrator/instructor.. Reporting now includes a completion matrix which makes tracking learner progress faster and easier. Admins will also have the ability to manage their users without the need to contact support.
Do I need to do anything?
The user transfer process will be automatic. However, we recommend you email your users, notifying them that there will be an update. Once your admin account is set up, we also recommend that you take a look at the new platform and review the updates, including your list of learners and progress.
Will user progress be transferred?
Yes! We will be transferring user completions over to the new platform. However, since the course has been consolidated, there may be a few courses that will show as incomplete, since the content will have changed.
Can I use my old password to log in?
The new platform requires us to create all new accounts, so new passwords will need to be created. We can assign a temporary password, or can email users with a link to set up their password when their account is created.
How can I learn more about the learning platform?
In the "Teacher's Guide" Course, you will find a number of videos that explain how the learning platform works.
Why are there fewer courses?
We have cleaned out a lot of the dead wood in the curriculum and have consolidated the modules. All the topics are still in the course. For example, we have consolidated the three previous INFO courses into one course.